
Gray Colored Glasses blog offers a lens into the everyday challenges of life with a medically-complex child.

These posts are for everyone, for people who relate to our story, and perhaps especially for those who don’t: for grandparents, teachers, doctors, and parents of neurotypical kids who make up our communities of support but rarely get a glimpse behind the curtain of our day to day life. We hope they serve not only to raise awareness but also to generate compassion and understanding for children and families impacted by PANS and other rare and little-known diagnoses.

Hopefully, sharing our story will encourage others living with PANS and other challenges to share their stories, as well. If you’d like to do so on my blog, please submit your story for consideration.

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Signs of hope

Even before we learned Isaac’s diagnosis, we knew his gross and fine motor skills were delayed. But I clearly remember thinking, surely speech would be…

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Writing his own story

The first days, weeks, and months after we received Isaac’s genetic diagnosis were full of challenges, none more important than learning how to accept this…

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He’s not sick

Having a child with developmental delays would force us to contend with our biases and those of our society, values that are deeply rooted and…

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A Rare Diagnosis

A peek behind the curtain into a parent’s grief and what it’s like to receive a rare diagnosis for a child.

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We Found Something

This is the story of how we finally learned that our son, Isaac, has a rare genetic disorder and how the days immediately following that…

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Still Not Knowing

This post continues the story of our concerns about Isaac’s unexplained developmental delays and our search for answers. For more backstory, see my previous posts,…

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This is what always happens. My earnest plans and intentions are sucker-punched by something entirely out of my control. It’s the story of my life…

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