
My son Isaac was born with a rare genetic variant, a life-altering diagnosis. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. He suffered from another, invisible illness—PANS—that went undetected for over seven years and turned our entire family’s life upside down and inside out.

Years ago, I was sitting on a restaurant patio, trying to think of an image or phrase that could help me put our life into words. I pictured my son’s face, angelic and pained, his eyes meeting mine through tiny Miraflex frames, and there it was: gray colored glasses.

There is no rose-colored filter for the story of our life, for childhood interrupted, family trauma, and finding our way through the unknown. But there is beauty even in the gray. And there is power and purpose in sharing our experience—to raise awareness about PANS and generate compassion and understanding for medically-complex children and their families.

From the Blog

  • Our story & my WHY
    Our story & my WHY

    This is a recap and round up of posts about our early years with Isaac in case you missed any along the way or are just finding our story. Please share widely and invite your friends to read along, too.

  • Writing his own story
    Writing his own story

    The first days, weeks, and months after we received Isaac’s genetic diagnosis were full of challenges, none more important than learning how to accept this new reality. Here I share some of the words that gave us hope and still help me through the hard days.

  • He’s not sick
    He’s not sick

    Having a child with developmental delays would force us to contend with our biases and those of our society, values that are deeply rooted and not easily shaken, like the worth we place on education, ability, achievement and strength. These are not bad things, mind you. Todd and I had top scores in this value…

  • A Rare Diagnosis
    A Rare Diagnosis

    A peek behind the curtain into a parent’s grief and what it’s like to receive a rare diagnosis for a child.

  • Still Not Knowing
    Still Not Knowing

    This post continues the story of our concerns about Isaac’s unexplained developmental delays and our search for answers. For more backstory, see my previous posts, “The Very Beginning” and “Not Knowing.”

  • Not Knowing
    Not Knowing

    In my last post, The Very Beginning, I told the story of Isaac’s birth and the swarm of questions that began with his first breath. Here, I go back to the early months of “not knowing,” a gut feeling that something was different about Isaac that we couldn’t quite articulate. Fifteen years later, it is…

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